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Alternative Strategy: Effectively Enforcing the ECQ (Modified ECQ).

If we have to successfully eliminate the COVID-19 cases, we need a realistic plan of actions to accurately enforce the current quarantine measures. Under limited budget and endangering the livelihood of the people from not being able to work, the situation require the balance of "health vs livelihood" of our people. Fortunately, the current situation only require definitive plan of actions for each specific alert status - which will constitute the accurate alert level for the government agencies to respond effectively. By focusing efforts for specific alert level, the inter-agency task force may handle the detailed management of the implementations in the ground level - this will eliminate most of the current barangay level poor performances.
The matrix that I am presenting here provides the national government enough time to prepare for Alert's Level 4 and 5 before full implementation.
As for the implementation of Level 4 and 5, the national government can focus to critical areas in each barangay. The management and funding must be coming from the national government with close coordination to the mayor - barangay level is only there for the legwork under closed monitoring and transparent auditing.
To avoid lack of control, the implementation of Level 4 and 5 is "per barangay" only - and not city-wide which is impossible to handle. There are only isolated areas that are critical. Some of the other barangays are totally case-free - and that we have to keep and protect.

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Our main objective here is to timely decrease and control the cases before the government and the income clusters not included in the amelioration is depleted and run out of money. If the lockdown is continuously extended, the current situation will deteriorate - and that is not what the national government would not want to happen - that's the Presidents' main concern in his latest reports.

Now the key-point really is the focusing of resources and level of containment on which are critical areas, and on which are case-free.

The final image would be, that the case-free areas can return to work under specific guidelines in Level 1 and 2, after the 15-day full implementation period based on the matrix.

This will help the country to safely return to the normal condition - under the definitive guidelines.

I drafted this material in order to inspire the National Government, the Inter-Agency Taskforce and the LGU's amidst the current difficulties. We shall help them with constructive ideas and offer positive alternatives. We will only succeed against this COVID-19 pandemic with a definitive plan that is transparent, strict and accurate implementations, inter-agency management and control in the lowest level, and most importantly, prayers.

Special thanks to some of my friends who were able to review and comment the contents before posting - I appreciate it very much.


Lakwatserong Hampaslupa


"When you summon your will, your dreams become inevitable; once you experience getaways, your voyage never ends."

My dream is to explore, photograph, understand, and experience all the provinces in the Philippines. To do that successfully, we have to travel, explore, photograph, ride, dive, trek, and blend in with the locals. The best places in the Philippines are those that are seldom explored (not mainstream) and accessible only to a few true blooded explorers. Other places that we all commonly love are simply there for relaxation and for fun with friends. But there are places that are astonishingly beautiful yet reserved for those that will persevere: Palaui Island, Jomalig Island, Looc/Lubang Islands, Hermana Mayor Island, Gigantes Islands, Caramoan Island, Kalanggaman Islands, Quatro Islas, Buscalan, and many more unbelievable destinations. We will share it here - the places, food, and the people.

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